Monday, January 12, 2009

It's snowing!

So I'm pretty excited. Right now it's snowing on top of the 10" we probably have right now and there is a blizzard watch until noon tomorrow. We will probably have a snow day tomorrow!

Also today I bought Halo 3 which is an amazing game when playing on xbox live. I look forward to playing it tonight and all day tomorrow. For those of you who haven't tried it on xbox live, do it. The graphics are amazing and it is a huge improvement over it's predecessor. I just got Xbox 360 also. All I can say is the online part of this system and the ability to play xbox games and play in HD on my HD TV makes it an awesome system!

More coming tomorrow!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saltwater Aquarium Sites

So being a hobbyist my self I am frequently looking for more resources on the hobby. For those of you who are either in the hobby or have tried to start in it, it is not an easy thing to do. Saltwater tanks are nothing like freshwater ones. They are a beauty to look at but at the same time can turn ugly without the proper knowledge and maintenance. Here are some sites that I would recommend you check out.


These are some amazing forums. I start on them because the man who owns them was actually the owner of an aquarium store I frequented and he was a friend of a friend. Here you will be able to get a ton of information. There are experts on this site who will be able to answer almost all of the questions you will have on the hobby. In addition to that there are monthly giveaways and a huge Christmas giveaway for supporters. To be a supporter it is only $25 a year which for me has paid off as I won probably $150 worth of prizes this last year. The Christmas giveaway was worth something like $8,000 or more this year. John, who is the owner, plans to have many more big giveaways throughout the year, including one coming up soon. Also there are big group buys for those in the area. If you aren't a hobbyist I would still recommend you go and check out the pictures. Some are simply stunning. Check out Gary Parr's pictures for sure!

If you join the site please send me a message. My user name is Underwater World. I will then be given a chance to win prizes through the site! I will also be able to answer some of your questions.


The medium size forums of the three and one that I frequent. I have had good success buying from members there also.


The biggest forum board there is which anything you could imagine on the hobby. The feeling of a close knit group such as the one you find in uberfrags is not there though. Also the moderators will ban you for the littlest things.

#4 Check out your local reef clubs.

I am in a reef club myself and I enjoy it. You can find then in most major cities in the United States. If you go to Reef Central you can scroll down to reef clubs and you will see the forums for quite a few and should be able to find out in your state.

Topics to Come

So I decided that I will make a list of the topics that I will be writing about.

Here is just a sneak preview. If you see anything here that you think I should write about soon or more thoroughly let me know! I have experience in all these subjects.


-Favorite Lures
-How to fish for different North American fish
-Description of lakes I have visited
-Links to helpful fishing sites
-And More!


-Building a base
-Why run?
-Running shoe opinions
-Who should run?
-What to eat?
-How to get faster/getter endurance
-Running for fun
-And more!

Saltwater Aquariums-

-Favorite Fish, and information on them
Setting of a aquarium:
Equipment List
-Favorite stores
-Favorite saltwater forums
-And much much more! I know my stuff


-My two guns
Descriptions and reviews
-My experiences
-Best place to play


-Destinations and reviews
-Future destinations (hopefully)

Xbox 360

-Favorite Games
-Xbox Live
-Halo 1,2, and 3

The Internet

-Sites I like to frequent
-Possibly basic tutorials
-Favorite online stores

Donation Box

After a lot of searching I finally figured out how to add my Paypal button to the page. Now you can easily make a donation to my college fund!

I will keep a running total on the site so that you can see how much you have helped me out! My deadline is by next fall. I need to get as much as I can by then for my first year but then of course I will be needing about $30,000 a year for the other three years also.

Thank you for your help! For those of you who donate, you are awesome!

Now for those of you who want to add your own box, it is very simple/

1. First log in to your Paypal Account.
2. Then go to Merchant Services.
3. Select Donate under the Create Buttons title.
4. Follow the steps to create your button.
5. Then in go to Layout, Add Gadget.
6. Then under the Basics select HTML/JavaScript
7. Copy and paste your code in and your done!

Boy did it take me forever to find out where to put it. If you just search html in gadgets you won't find it.

First Day

Today is the first day of my new blog! I have never written a blog before, but I hope that you will really enjoy this one.

I'll be truthful. The whole reason that I have started this blog is to try to make some money. It's not as you would think though. I am not just trying to make money so I can buy something I want. I am going to try to use this blog to be able to afford to go to college.

Right now I am planning on going to the University of Illinois. Even with the instate rate it's going to cost me close to $30,000 a year. That's a ton, and I definitely don't want to come out of college with a ton of debt. Instead I plan on writing a bunch on here for people to read. If you want to help support me to make college more affordable I'll leave a paypal link here. It would be awesome if those of you who read this could donate me even $1. If a thousand people did that it would be awesome. Also clicking on my ads will help me out as I will benefit from them.

Thanks for reading,
